Interview with Christiena Auguste

Max Miller interviews fellow blog crew member Christiena Auguste, 
who plays Mrs. Harcourt in 'Anything Goes.'

Liz Butler on Warm-Ups

Liz Butler, who plays Bonnie in Anything Goes, sits down with 
Max Miller, who plays Whitney, to talk a little about warm-ups.

The light hang, according to Peter Dunn

Peter Dunn shares what he learned at yesterday's light hang for Anything Goes.
interview and video by Max Miller

More Cast Interviews!

Actors Craig Alizadeh, Katie Moffett and Noah Faison take a short break from rehearsal 
for a brief interview with fellow actor and blog crew head Max Miller.

Cast Interviews: "First timers"

Savanna Fortgang, '16, interviews some of the newest
members of the theater program at Berkshire.

Set Build #2

This past Saturday, the cast of Anything Goes had their second set build.
Much of the day was spent constructing and sanding the three staircases used in the show.
Christiena Auguste, '14, shares a short video from the build.

Line Run: The Art of Memorization

Even though the cast of Anything Goes has only been rehearsing for 3 weeks, the cast had all their lines and songs memorized for the two line runs we had January 3rd and 4th. This was in the best interest for us because this way we can learn our blocking and dances to the best of our abilities. Our line runs consisted of us sitting in a circle and saying our lines one after the other to show that we have our lines (and cues!) completely memorized. The cast took time out of their winter break to practice their lines, but don’t worry - it wasn’t a burden to us because we have the determination to succeed and to make this musical the best it can be (the only people it really was a burden to was the people having to hear one of us reciting our lines over and over again or when we forced them to play one of the other characters so we could practice).

by Cielo Magana